Summer Wind bouquet is a stunning combination of dried flowers in shades of white and pastel red. Inspired by the lovely summers in Finland, this bouquet is perfect for adding a pop of color to any room or as a thoughtful gift for a loved one. The mix of textures and shapes creates a whimsical, yet sophisticated look that will brighten up any space. Use it as a centerpiece or to add some charm to a mantel or bookshelf. Enjoy the beauty of summer all year round with Summer Wind.
Summer Wind (Shades of White and Pastel Red)
Height: 35 cm
Vase not included
Dried Flowers are natural and may differ in sizes, shapes and colors. The color rendering may vary from one screen to another.
Summer Wind
Long Lasting 3YR+
Eco - Friendly
No Maintenance Needed
Product of Finland
Do not water
Do not pull flower bristles
Handle with Care
Keep in dry place